Learn more about this opportunity today - Wednesday, October 4 - when Carl Lamb from Kaplan will be on campus. He will be at a table in the Koch Center for Engineering and Science from 3:00-5:00 p.m., and you can come by and ask any sort of questions. At 5:30 p.m., we will be doing an official callout session in Koch 126, where you will learn about the course, schedule, online resources, etc.
UE Gives Back Fall is set for Saturday, October 21. A free T-shirt, coffee, and donuts will start the day! Join hundreds of your peers for the big service event of the semester. Get connected and give back to the Evansville community! This is open to all individuals and student groups.
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Friday, October 13The Homecoming Pep Rally is at 8:00 p.m. on the East Terrace Lawn with the Cheer Team, Dance Team, and Soccer Team, free T-shirts, and announcement of the finalists for Mr. and Miss UE.
Second-year doctor of physical therapy students are providing a free balance evaluation and training session on October 20 from 8:00-9:30 a.m. The session will take place in Room 104 in Graves Hall. We are seeking participants who are 65 years old or older and are interested in improving their balance. The evaluation involves strength testing combined with several walking and clinical tests. If you are interested, please email tc136@evansville.edu or call and leave a message at 812-488-2408. The deadline to register is October 16. 2ff7e9595c